HyperText Markup Language (HTML) #2

2 min readFeb 18, 2024


  1. <figure>: The figure tag enables you to add captions to an image (To add captions, use the <figcaption> tag
<img src="https://freecatphotoapp.com" alt="A photo of me">
<figcaption>A photo of a cat which is me</figcaption>

2. <em>: The emphasis element is used to make text italics

<p>I <em>love</em> dogs</p>

3. <ol>: This tag is for ordered lists


Output for ordered lists tag

4. <strong>: Used to bold a text

5. <fieldset>: Used to group related elements together. (Draw a box around the elements)

6. <legend>: Used to add labels to a fieldset box

7. <footer>: Mainly semantic. It is used to denote the section of HTML code that should be at the bottom of a web page

8. <head>: Mainly semantic. It is used to denote the section of HTML code that should be at the top of the web page.

9. <title>: Determines what text will be shown in the tab for the page

10. <div>: This element is mainly used for design purposes.

<div id="menu"></div>
<!--This element can be accessed in CSS and JavaScript as #menu-->

That’s it, folks~ Till next time!

